Справка MediaWiki API

This is an auto-generated MediaWiki API documentation page.

Documentation and examples: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API


(main | wbeditentity)
  • Этот модуль требует прав на чтение.
  • Этот модуль требует права на запись.
  • Этот модуль принимает только Post-запросы.
  • Источник: Wikibase Repository
  • Лицензия: GPL-2.0+

Creates a single new Wikibase entity and modifies it with serialised information.


The identifier for the entity, including the prefix. Use either id or site and title together.


An identifier for the site on which the page resides. Use together with title to make a complete sitelink.

Одно из следующих значений:

Title of the page to associate. Use together with site to make a complete sitelink.


The numeric identifier for the revision to base the modification on. This is used for detecting conflicts during save.

Тип: integer

Summary for the edit. Will be prepended by an automatically generated comment. The length limit of the autocomment together with the summary is 260 characters. Be aware that everything above that limit will be cut off.


A "csrf" token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens

Это обязательный параметр.

Mark this edit as bot. This URL flag will only be respected if the user belongs to the group "bot".

Тип: двоичный (details)

The serialized object that is used as the data source. A newly created entity will be assigned an 'id'.

Это обязательный параметр.

If set, the complete entity is emptied before proceeding. The entity will not be saved before it is filled with the "data", possibly with parts excluded.

Тип: двоичный (details)

If set, a new entity will be created. Set this to the type of the entity you want to create. It is not allowed to have this set when id is also set.

Одно из следующих значений: item, property
Создать новый пустой элемент, вернуть полную структуру сущности
api.php?action=wbeditentity&new=item&data={} [open in sandbox]
Create a new item and set labels for de and en
api.php?action=wbeditentity&new=item&data={"labels":{"de":{"language":"de","value":"de-value"},"en":{"language":"en","value":"en-value"}}} [open in sandbox]
Create a new property containing the json data, return full entity structure
api.php?action=wbeditentity&new=property&data={"labels":{"en-gb":{"language":"en-gb","value":"Propertylabel"}},"descriptions":{"en-gb":{"language":"en-gb","value":"Propertydescription"}},"datatype":"string"} [open in sandbox]
Clear all data from entity with ID Q42
api.php?action=wbeditentity&clear=true&id=Q42&data={} [open in sandbox]
Clear all data from entity with ID Q42 and set a label for en
api.php?action=wbeditentity&clear=true&id=Q42&data={"labels":{"en":{"language":"en","value":"en-value"}}} [open in sandbox]
Adds a label without overwriting it if it already exists
api.php?action=wbeditentity&id=Q42&data={"labels":[{"language":"no","value":"Bar","add":""}]} [open in sandbox]
Removes a label
api.php?action=wbeditentity&id=Q42&data={"labels":[{"language":"en","value":"Foo","remove":""}]} [open in sandbox]
Sets sitelink for nowiki, overwriting it if it already exists
api.php?action=wbeditentity&id=Q42&data={"sitelinks":{"nowiki":{"site":"nowiki","title":"København"}}} [open in sandbox]
Sets description for nb, overwriting it if it already exists
api.php?action=wbeditentity&id=Q42&data={"descriptions":{"nb":{"language":"nb","value":"nb-Description-Here"}}} [open in sandbox]
Creates a new claim on the item for the property P56 and a value of "ExampleString"
api.php?action=wbeditentity&id=Q42&data={"claims":[{"mainsnak":{"snaktype":"value","property":"P56","datavalue":{"value":"ExampleString","type":"string"}},"type":"statement","rank":"normal"}]} [open in sandbox]
Removes the claims from the item with the GUIDs Q42$D8404CDA-25E4-4334-AF13-A3290BCD9C0F and Q42$GH678DSA-01PQ-28XC-HJ90-DDFD9990126X
api.php?action=wbeditentity&id=Q42&data={"claims":[{"id":"Q42$D8404CDA-25E4-4334-AF13-A3290BCD9C0F","remove":""},{"id":"Q42$GH678DSA-01PQ-28XC-HJ90-DDFD9990126X","remove":""}]} [open in sandbox]
Sets the claim with the GUID to the value of the claim
api.php?action=wbeditentity&id=Q42&data={"claims":[{"id":"Q42$GH678DSA-01PQ-28XC-HJ90-DDFD9990126X","mainsnak":{"snaktype":"value","property":"P56","datavalue":{"value":"ChangedString","type":"string"}},"type":"statement","rank":"normal"}]} [open in sandbox]